Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Look At Them Chompers!

I finally got a good picture of Ben's new teeth! Ok, so he wasn't the happiest in the world when this picture was taken, but it's a good view. Hopefully tonight I'll have some video off the camcorder that I can post sometime soon. Ben is up to lots of new things. I can't wait for you all to see!


Mamaw Debbie said...

Oh, how precious!!! I hate that he wasn't in the best of moods, but that's usually when you get the best shots of those sweet little teeth. I can't believe how easy it has been for him to get them. I was there the night before the first one appeared the next morning and he wasn't even cranky or anything. I hope they are all that easy for him. Give him hugs and kisses for me. I love you all.


tiffany... this is your cuz beth... aint he soooooo cute... hope you all are doing well. keep in touch. love ya beth