Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Update on Dinner Time

Regardless of what "they" say, last night's cereal did not help him sleep longer. Granted, the cereal was very liquid, to see how he'd take it. We'll be thickening it up little by little as the week goes on, and who knows? Maybe once it's a little thicker it will do the trick, but as for our first experience, it didn't help. If anything, he woke up earlier than he usually does.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Dinner Time!

Tonight we decided to start Ben on solid foods, although you'll see that they aren't quite solid, actually. He did so well. I've been worried that he may not be ready, but I'd say, especially for a first time out, that he did perfectly. There was a total of 5 tablespoons of food mixed up (way more milk than cereal, as they say to start it that way.) He took just over 3 of those, so more than half! He was so excited by the experience, and probably would have eaten it all if it wasn't such a slow, frustrating thing to eat with a spoon when you're hungry. When he was done eating and nursing and all, his little belly felt fuller than I've ever felt it. He was almost like a little puppy that gets a fat tummy after it eats. Anyway, needless to say, we're really proud of the little booger.

The video that follows is long; we got almost the whole feeding on tape. I don't ask that you watch it all, but I know a few would want to.

He kept eating after that, but Mike's legs were hurting from squatting and kneeling. Hope you all enjoy. I know Ben did.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Back By Popular Demand!

Mamaw Debbie has been requesting some video, and I've gotten a couple good ones over the last few days. So without further ado...

This one seems a little more blurry than usual. I'm thinking maybe the webcam was too far away.

This is the introduction of the High-Chair Cam. I thought I'd try it out, and it seems to be a pretty good vantage point. The lighting is a bit bad in this one, so the next one, I moved him.

More High-Chair Cam. I moved the chair for better lighting, and he's a little less "What is that thing?"

Monday, February 18, 2008

What's Ben Been Up To?

If you keep up with Abby's Blog, you'll know we've been taking walks at the dam (we've actually only accomplished this twice, partly due to weather, partly due to scheduling conflicts, and maybe a smidgen due to the fact that it's me and Angie.) So, other than that, here are some Ben (and Abby) pics to show you what's been going on.

Ben thought he'd try out Abby's Jumperoo. He likes, very much.
Abby, on the other hand, says, "Why is he in my favorite spot?"

Abby is a cutey when we go out on walks... and all the time. She's a big camera ham.

Some of the scenery from our walks. I really like this picture.
Imagine how pretty it would be in the summer, when everything is green.

HA! Ben found his own Jumperoo!
(Actually, it's borrowed from his cousin Seth, who's outgrown it.)

Ben is beginning to learn patience... LOL, not really.
He just enjoys a good book while he waits on Mommy.

He's also learning Abby's tricks about how to properly sit in a high chair. Notice his foot.

I don't know what they're saying about us, but Angie and I find this pretty cute.

"Momma, she's got huge pointy teeth!"

Monday, February 11, 2008

Ben's 4 Month Check Up

Here's the stats:
16 lbs. 1 oz. (75th percentile)
25.5 in. long (75th percentile)
16.5 in. head circumference (50th percentile)

He did pretty well with his shots today. Of course he hated them, but he calmed down soon after. His pediatrician said he looks great, but recommended waiting a bit to start solids.

(Note: I got distracted and this is actually being posted 10 days later...)

This was Ben on 10-9-07:
9 lbs. 2.5 oz.
21.5 in. long
13.75 in. head circumference

See the difference?

This is Ben and Daddy on Oct. 9, 2007...

This is Ben and Daddy on Feb. 10, 2008.
(Daddy wouldn't say this is his most flattering picture. Ben had just woke up.)

You wouldn't think 4 inches would make such a huge difference, would you?

Friday, February 8, 2008

To Jump or Not To Jump?

We rediscovered the Johnny Jump-Up after a hiatus with the washing machine. He's a little taller and a little heavier than the last time we tried it so we had to raise it up a bit. Ben seems to enjoy it more this time, but he still doesn't really jump. Hopefully that won't be too far away. In the mean time, enjoy some smiles and a cameo by Morris.

Monday, February 4, 2008

What a Super Bowl!

Ben sat through most of his first Super Bowl last night. He took a cat nap or two in the middle, but the poor little guy was up and excited to watch the end of the game (although he was SO tired by the end.) Really, I tried to get him to stay in bed, but Uncle B and Ashly and Rocky were over, so he was excited by all the company. I'm also pretty glad he was already awake at the end of the game. It was so exciting for the rest of us, that I'm afraid we would've scared him awake with all the hootin' and hollerin'. By the way, GO GIANTS!

While the focus last night was primarily football, Ben was more than a little focused on Rocky's cupcake.
Please Rocky, just a little taste...