Saturday, March 29, 2008

Congrats to B and Ashly!

Bryan and Ashly finally got their new apartment and are moving in this weekend! Ben and Mommy went to visit and drop off a housewarming gift. We also got to meet Ashly's parents, Donna and Tom! Sadly, Mommy didn't get the camera out, but Ben had loads of fun. He laughed for everyone, and even smiled at Uncle B. The problem comes when B tries to hold him, then for some strange reason, he cries (Ben, not Bryan). Either way, happy housewarming!

P.S. Here is a picture of Ben's first tooth. Things are hard to see, so I circled it for you! This was taken on Thursday, the day that his 2nd one was working it's way through. Now he has 2! One of these days, we'll get a good picture of 'em.