Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Abby!

Happy 2nd birthday, Abby Lou! We miss you so much and can't wait to see you! Here's Te-te's recap of your first 2 years:

This is the earliest picture I have of Abby, aside from one just a few hours before that when she was still beachball shaped. She's just about an hour old, and her Uncle Tom is holding her.

This is from April of last year. Ben's making a weird face, but this one was really good of Abby and her mommy.

This is from Emma's 3rd birthday party just over a month ago! Abby and Ben had a great time.

And missed each other, as you can see.

I really had a hard time finding pictures of Abby where she wasn't lolling her tongue that day! I wanted to post them all!

Ben's been so excited about coming to see you for your birthday! See you soon!