I got to looking back, and it's been a year now since I've done a real post. It's been a roller coaster year.
About the time I stopped updating we found out Aunt Shirley had cancer, then Mom got sick again and put into ICU. While she was in there we found out Mamaw had cancer. About the time Mamaw got out of the hospital, Aunt Shirley passed away. Then Mom got out of the hospital, too, and Mamaw started her chemo. Then the holidays hit. Then the new year, the coldest winter we've had in ages, turning into spring. Then Uncle Harold passed away. Then Mamaw passed. Now Mike's Uncle Steven has passed. In the midst of all this, we've had to have our dog, Buffy, put down due to congestive heart failure, and our oldest cat, Doyle, Mike's best buddy, has disappeared. It's been a really tough year.
We have tried to keep things going and still have fun where we can. Looking back through pictures, I'm really thankful that I have them or I'd never remember the things that we've done this year. There've been a few outings, some kind of exciting, and I'll try, over the next few days, maybe, to put up a few picture updates from over the last year.
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2 years ago
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