Monday, May 11, 2009

Ben, Laptop User

Here's some video of Ben in his new favorite spot, the glider in the den, doing his most favorite thing: Watching the Wiggles on YouTube. I used the MacBook's built-in camera to record as he watched. He could also see himself on the screen, so sometimes he looks there, instead.

This one has sound, so it's pretty self explanatory.

For some reason, the sound is messed up on this next one. At one point it wasn't there at all, but after I uploaded it, some of it came back. It messes up at the end, but that may be due to the fact that Ben pulled a key off the keyboard, so there's no telling what he ended up hitting that could've messed it up. He was mad because he didn't wanna watch the video he had picked.

On a side note, he has bedhead, and I love it.