Saturday, September 6, 2008

Wow! It's been a while...

So, I've been pretty preoccupied with Ben, and making his breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, and trying (often unsuccessfully) to keep things cleaned up after us. (It's a lot harder now that he doesn't eat baby food!) I think I have a little "foodie" on my hands. There's virtually nothing he turns down! Previously, he didn't like grapes, but those are back on the menu. He's added, among other things, green and black olives, guacamole, and green peppers. He's up to 8 teeth, all 4 front top and bottom. Ben is also growing fast! He's already fitting well in a size 18 months!

Ben is trying so hard to walk. He does really well if he's holding on to something or someone, and can even walk if you hold his hand (but just one, he won't let you hold both). He's taken off across the den a couple times, and can sometimes make it kinda far before he stumbles or sits down. He's so funny. He runs with his arms up over his head. I have a little bit of video of it, it's just a matter of being able to import it and upload it, etc. Ben doesn't like it very much when I sit at the computer for too long. We also found out he's a pretty good drummer! When I get it all worked out, there will be some video of a few different things posted.

Now we are coming up on his first birthday! It's just under 5 weeks away. This has been the fastest year of my life. Some other things he's been working on mastering before he turns one are certain words. He has several that start with "b" and are sometimes hard to distinguish from each other. He has a newfound fondness for boats, and so when he talks about 'em is very excited and says "BO!" He also loves his ball ("bawl"), and I think we have a little southerner (as if he'd be anything else) on our hands. He sometimes sneaks in "bu" for book, "boo" for Pooh, and another "buh" sounding word, with a point upward, for bird. He's getting very good with "Tigger" and "Kitty" and thinks all dogs are "Sadie." He says this remarkably well. He recently started trying to say "Buffy" because I keep trying to tell him that all dogs aren't Sadie. He has more, but i could go on and on and on.... you get my point.

The following are pictures since the last post. I've tried, and think I got it, in chronological order.

July 19, 2008
Ben's first steak at Pop-pop's Bar and Grill.

Playing ball with Sadie

Playing pool with Daddy and Pop-pop.
"What do you mean I'm special?"

August 24, 2008
(yes, I slacked with my camera for quite a while)
A visit from uncle B resulted in a picture where you
can see both their faces! Imagine that!

August 29, 2008
Walkin' with Pop-pop

Making faces with Daddy

Driving the golf cart (in circles)

August 30, 2008
Driving the boat (is that legal?)

He looks like a big boy in this pic. I love his expression!

September 1, 2008Being silly

September 4, 2008
Getting ready for bed (he loves his toothbrush!)

September 5, 2008
Abby says "Here, Ben. This paci must be yours"

September 6, 2008
He's eating fajita fixin's. Chicken, cheese, avocados, and most
importantly, black olives. I think they may be his new favorite.

Ben is a little bookworm.


Mamaw Debbie said...

WOW!!!! I thought you had forgotten we were out here!!! I've really missed seeing new pics of him. That doesn't mean that I'm tired of the old ones. Each one is a treasure, but I get so excited over a new post!! He is such a precious little baby doll. I just can't get enough of him. I can't believe he is almost a year old. Now you are about to see just how fast YOU, your brother and your sister grew up!! That's why I beg you so hard to keep the blog updated. He's not gonna be little very long at all and you will never regret the posts you did do.....only the ones you didn't. This was a really GREAT Grandparents Day and birthday gift all wrapped up into one!! Thanks a million!! I love you all so much!! Give my Ben hugs and kisses for me and tell him I love him. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

Lauren said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe how big he's getting! It doesn't seem like he should be 1 already...