Saturday, March 22, 2008

Break on Through to the Other Side

Well, this morning Ben woke up with a little sliver of a tooth broke through his gums. His bottom left tooth has come in! I can't get him to let me see it (aside from that first glimpse I managed after I felt it), let alone take a picture of it. One of these days, though...

In the mean time, I got a video (minus the sound) of Ben rolling in the floor. We were visiting Nan-nan and Pop-pop after they got back from their trip. Nan-nan wasn't feeling all that well, and so settled for being the videographer instead of playing with Ben. As a result, she said she didn't like the way she sounded, and removed the audio. But watch him go! I'll post up something else as soon as I get 'em uploaded from the video camera.


Abby's Mom said...

Yea for the chomper, buddy! I'll get the grill and steaks ready!