Monday, February 11, 2008

Ben's 4 Month Check Up

Here's the stats:
16 lbs. 1 oz. (75th percentile)
25.5 in. long (75th percentile)
16.5 in. head circumference (50th percentile)

He did pretty well with his shots today. Of course he hated them, but he calmed down soon after. His pediatrician said he looks great, but recommended waiting a bit to start solids.

(Note: I got distracted and this is actually being posted 10 days later...)

This was Ben on 10-9-07:
9 lbs. 2.5 oz.
21.5 in. long
13.75 in. head circumference

See the difference?

This is Ben and Daddy on Oct. 9, 2007...

This is Ben and Daddy on Feb. 10, 2008.
(Daddy wouldn't say this is his most flattering picture. Ben had just woke up.)

You wouldn't think 4 inches would make such a huge difference, would you?